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Clipsal Cortex

Your local Clipsal Cortex provider in the Albury, Shepparton, Wangaratta regions.

What is Cortex and why is it beneficial for homeowners in Shepparton Albury & Wangaratta?

Clipsal Cortex is an app which is installed on your phone or tablet. This app then receives data through a physical monitoring unit which is installed on your switchboard, and is connected via Wi-Fi or 4G. Pulse will then be able to monitor & show you, your solar production, battery storage and electricity usage, helping you pinpoint when and where you are using the most electricity and how much it is costing you.

With Cortex, you can also unlock your full potential of your solar system and automate your energy applicances and devices.

Powered by AI, you’re able to future proof your home with the app features, which scan for wasted power and finds the best electricity plan for you.

Clipsal Cortex Watters

How Does Clipsal Cortex Help You Save Money

Electricity has been too complex and costly for far too long. Australians are facing some of the highest energy prices in the world with no choice but to pay costly bills. That’s where Watters & Clipsal Cortex step in. Cortex is here to challenge the status quo, make energy simple and put you back in control.

See how much you are saving in real-time, track your return on investment and save up to $700 in the first year with Clipsal Cortex and up to $3,000 over the first 5 years using our cutting-edge technology & smart savings features.

clipsal Cortex Shepparton

See how much you have sold, saved and bought in a glance

The Clipsal Cortex solution is a simple way to take control of your energy needs and understand your electricity bills.

The App uses the Clipsal Cortex meter which is installed in your electricity box to provide a range of insights into how much you spend on power and how you can save more.

Through these innovative features Clipsal Cortex can help you save up to $700 in the first year alone!

Just upload your bill to compare plans, AI will do the rest and give you personalised insights to boost the return on your solar investment. At the same time you can also be more energy aware, by detecting energy wastage in your home with a tap of a button, whilst AI will automatically channel your excess solar to appliances like electric hot water systems, pool pumps, EV chargers and much much more.

What differentiates Clipsal Cortex from other generic apps

Clipsal Cortex stands out from other generic apps due to its specialisation in smart home automation. Below are just some of Cortex’s differences:


  • Ecosystem Integration: Clipsal Cortex is designed to work seamlessly with Clipsal’s wide range of smart home devices, allowing for a cohesive and integrated smart home experience. This integration ensures that all devices can communicate effectively, providing a more reliable and user-friendly system.
  • Advanced Automation Features: Clipsal Cortex offers advanced automation capabilities tailored to the needs of homeowners using Clipsal products. It allows users to create complex automation routines, manage energy consumption, and monitor their home environment in a way that generic apps may not support.
  • Local Control and Cloud Support: While many generic apps rely heavily on cloud-based control, Clipsal Cortex supports both local and cloud-based operations. This ensures that smart home functions can continue even if the internet connection is lost, providing greater reliability and security.
  • Customisable User Interface: The app offers a highly customisable interface that allows users to tailor the control and monitoring of their smart home devices to their specific preferences and needs. This level of customisation is often lacking in more generic smart home apps.
  • Professional-Grade Security: Given its alignment with Schneider Electric’s standards, Clipsal Cortex includes robust security features, ensuring that the user’s smart home setup is secure from potential cyber threats, which is not be as strong in generic apps.
  • Dedicated Support and Updates: Clipsal Cortex benefits from ongoing support and regular updates from a dedicated team, ensuring that the app stays up-to-date with the latest technology trends and user needs, unlike generic apps that do not receive consistent updates.

Designed and built in Australia the Clipsal Cortex Platform consists of the award-winning energy monitoring app for homeowners.

Clipsal Cortex

You’ll have peace of mind knowing Watters is a Clipsal Cortex Installer for Shepparton, Albury, Wangaratta & surrounding areas.

We’ve grouped some of the questions you might have in regards to Clipsal Cortex;

  • Is Cortex compatible with my existing solar system?

Clipsal Cortex can be integrated into any existing solar power system.


  • I don’t have Solar, can I get Solar & Clipsal Cortex installed with Watters?

Absolutely, we can assist with getting both installed in your home.


  • Is Cortex available on IOS or Android?

Cortex is available for both platforms, so you can rest assured it will work with your android or IOS phone.


  • How do I know if my system isn’t running as it should?

Cortex is constantly running system health checks on your solar system to make sure everything is running as expected.

Find a Better Way To Manage Your Power With Clipsal Cortex

Simply complete the below form for a Fast & Free Consultation from your local Watters Clipsal Cortex Specialist.

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